The Benefits of Custom Commercial Cleaning

You won’t pay for services you don’t need. The standard cleaning package offered by most Cleaning companies will include services that you don’t want or need. As we mentioned above, what if you don’t have upholstery—will you still be charged for it? What if you’re only concerned about the floors and bathrooms? Are you expected to pay for carpet cleaning when you don’t have carpets? With custom commercial cleaning, you’ll never pay for services that you don’t need.

Work your custodian into your office’s schedule. Depending on the nature of your business and the type of cleaning service you need, the cleaner you hire may be likely to get in the way during certain hours. Luckily, with a custom cleaning service, you’ll find custodians that are available 24/7. So whether you need someone to clean during the day or to stop by at night, you’re covered.

Customize a service that fits your budget. Every business has a budget, whether big or small, and a custom commercial cleaning service will allow you to create a cleaning plan that fits your needs without breaking the bank. Working with the janitorial service, you can look for cost-effective and efficient ways to accomplish your goals, streamlining your bill while still maintaining a productive and beautiful facility.

Hire a cleaner for one specific job. Do you need a general cleaning service or someone who can complete one specific job each day, week, or month? Let’s say that you only need someone to sanitize your restrooms once a week. Or, maybe you want to hire someone to clean and care for your hard-surface floors once a month. You can accomplish both of those goals with custom commercial cleaning. You could also combine a variety of specific tasks (restroom sanitation weekly, upholstery cleaning monthly, hard surface floor care as needed) to create a custom package. Here are some of the services you might consider:

General janitorial service

Restroom sanitization

Window cleaning

Blind cleaning

Carpet cleaning

Upholstery cleaning

Hard surface floor care (stripping, waxing, sealing, etc.)

Construction cleanup

Pressure washing

Special event cleanup services

Have we convinced you? If you’re looking for a reliable and reputable Cleaning Service in Edmonton, Alberta, contact Fussy Cleaning. We do everything from commercial cleaning and floor care to window cleaning and construction cleanup, and we would be happy to help you create a customized commercial cleaning plan. If you’re interested in learning more, give us a call at 780-756-3877 or click here to receive a free quote.

How to Evaluate a Cleaning Company

Hiring the first cleaning company you come across for your home or office could be a big mistake. Just because the company has a handful of employees and a business name, that does not mean they are qualified for the job. If you’re in need of professional cleaning services, learn how to evaluate a cleaning company by using the tips below. With our help, you can find a responsible company that will do the job right.


One of the smartest ways to find a quality cleaning company is to check with your co-workers, business associates, friends, and relatives. In addition, conduct a quick Internet search to read some of your preferred company’s customer reviews.


Cleaning companies are easily started and may go out of business just as quickly. For best results, look for a cleaning company with a long business history. This usually indicates that the company is professional and reliable when it comes to cleaning services.

The Better Business Bureau (BBB)

When evaluating different companies, the BBB is an excellent place to begin. If the company has a file, the BBB gives the company a grade. Just like in school, an A or A+ rating means they come highly recommended. You will also learn whether there have been any complaints filed by consumers with the BBB. If there are complaints, determine whether you think they are important and if they were resolved satisfactorily.

Bonded and Insured

Choosing companies that are bonded helps to protect you in the event that there is a theft by one of the company’s employees at your home or place of business. Without being overly paranoid, there is always the chance of something going wrong when you hire a cleaning company. Protect yourself by hiring a company that has liability insurance and provides its employees with workers’ compensation insurance.

Employee Background Checks

You have the right to expect that a professional company has run a background check on all employees or independent contractors. This helps to protect you from safety and theft issues.

Employee Training

Although cleaning isn’t rocket science, the best cleaning companies have spent time training their employees to be quick and thorough. This is especially important if the employees will be working around expensive antiques, paintings, or collectibles.

Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Learn whether the cleaning company includes the cost of cleaning supplies and equipment in your bill or not. In addition, review the efficiency and quality of their products and equipment. Some companies are more than willing to use products that you prefer.


Before hiring, make sure the company is available to clean on the days, evenings, weekends, or hours that work with your particular schedule.


In your dreams, you may envision a company that cleans your home or office from top to bottom. However, this might not be very realistic. Discuss what each company’s basic services include, how much they cost, and how much they charge for additional services. Basic services might include vacuuming, dusting, bathroom cleaning, and mopping the kitchen floor. Extra services could include tasks like window cleaning, Residential cleaning, or carpet cleaning.


Use common sense when learning how to evaluate a cleaning company. Interview as many companies as you need to find a reputable company with experience, quality cleaning services, and excellent customer service.

Speaking of which, if you live in or near Edmonton, Alberta give the cleaning professionals at Fussy Cleaning a call. We offer a variety of cleaning services, including commercial cleaning, Residential cleaning, and office cleaning. You can reach us at 780-756-3877 or click here for a free quote.

The Benefits of Professional Cleaning Service

If you own any type of establishment from retail stores to medical facilities, office buildings, educational facilities, or manufacturing plants, you already know the importance of keeping a clean environment at all times. A dirty environment leads to unhappy employees and it gives your establishment a poor image. When people walk into your building, the first thing they will notice is how clean the establishment is. If it is not clean, they will notice it right away and this will hurt the reputation of your business. Professional cleaning services will be able to keep your establishment clean and proficient looking at all times so you can focus on other important things.

Attention to Detail

Companies that specialize in Cleaning services, window cleaning services, and other cleaning services will know exactly what to do to keep your establishment looking the very best. This is because they are experienced at what they do and they know how to pay attention to detail. If you were to have just anyone clean your building for you, there would be a good chance that certain things would get overlooked. An experienced cleaning crew will ensure that your windows are spotless, your floor shines, and everything looks as clean as possible.


Customized Cleaning Services

If you own any type of establishment from retail stores to medical facilities, office buildings, educational facilities, or manufacturing plants, you already know the importance of keeping a clean environment at all times. A dirty environment leads to unhappy employees and it gives your establishment a poor image. When people walk into your building, the first thing they will notice is how clean the establishment is. If it is not clean, they will notice it right away and this will hurt the reputation of your business. Professional cleaning services will be able to keep your establishment clean and proficient looking at all times so you can focus on other important things.

Cleaning Services

Customized Cleaning Services

Professional cleaning services, such as Fussy Cleaning, offer customized cleaning services to their clients. What this means is that if you need the cleaning crew to come at night when your business is closed, we will be there. You can also set up a one-time cleaning, daily cleaning, weekly cleaning, or a monthly cleaning. If you need the cleaning professionals to focus on cleaning certain areas of your establishment such as your floors, upholstery, windows, blinds, or perform restroom sanitation, we will do just that. Every business establishment has their own needs for professional cleaning. Some business are much smaller than other businesses and they do not require as much cleaning as another business. A customized cleaning service not only saves a company time but also money.

Happier Work Environment

Working in a clean environment has many benefits. It makes the employees happier and it also makes them safer too. No one wants to spend their work shift in a messy environment. This decreases the productivity levels in most employees and can really make them dread coming into work every day.  When a company takes the extra step to ensure that the environment is clean at all times, the employees will take pride in the company that they work for.

A professional cleaning service is exactly what most establishments need in order to keep the environment spotless. Professional cleaners take the extra effort to clean areas that are often overlooked. With professionals, you can spend more time on other areas of your company instead of worrying about how clean it is. There are many benefits to having a clean establishment, including happier and more productive employees, a better image, and always staying up to health codes at all times.

To arrange cleaning services for your company, give us a call at 780-756-3877. We’re ready to work for you.

Office Cleaning Tips and Tricks – Fussy Cleaning

A clean office is vital to the running of a business. It improves productivity, because all items are organized and in their rightful place. It improves creativity and focus, because workers aren’t distracted by the crumbs on their keyboard or the layer of dust on their desk. It improves health, because everything is sanitized and bugs aren’t crawling in to munch on the food scraps in the trash bin. Finally, it improves (or maintains) your business’s reputation, because anyone who stops by (whether a client, new staff member, or even just a friend) can see that your company is efficient, organized, and cares about its employees. So if your office is stifled under a layer of dust and grime, you need to act now. Use our office cleaning tips to get your office clean and keep it that way.


Office Cleaning Tips

Although hiring a professional cleaning service is the best way to ensure a consistently clean office space, if you choose to take on the task yourself (or divvy it up amongst coworkers), use these office cleaning tips to maintain a neat and clean work environment.

  • Keep a closet or basket fully stocked with all of your office cleaning essentials (glass cleaner, dusting spray, microfiber wipes, rubbing alcohol, paper towels, etc). Also include a simple, laminated chart with common office cleaning tips to remind employees of your cleaning procedures.
  • Give every item in your office a place and keep it there. If you have trouble remembering where things are, label the storage locations.
  • Limit the number of items on your desk. The excess clutter makes it difficult to spread out your work. Anything that you don’t use frequently (paper clips, business cards, an extra calendar) should be relegated to another location.
  • Most office supply and electronics stores offer special wipes made for keyboards. Pick some up and wipe your keyboard and monitor daily, especially if you sometimes eat meals or snack at your desk. Let the the keyboard dry before you begin using it again.
  • Clean your office phone frequently by spraying cleaner onto a cloth and wiping that on your phone. Dip a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol to wipe down the dial pad.
  • Take out the trash frequently and vacuum frequently in areas that people eat. This will help keep the bugs at bay.
  • Require employees to write their name on any food they put in the refrigerator. If they plan to keep something in the fridge a long time (like salad dressing, for example), they should write the date they opened it as well. Also, assign a day each month to be “kitchen clean-out day.” Any food left in the fridge that day should be thrown away (unless it’s an item that takes a very long time to expire, like ketchup or olives).
  • All dishes in the break room should be cleaned immediately after a meal. Also, require employees to put dried dishes away on a specific day of the week so that the dish rack doesn’t become overcrowded.
  • If you make a mess in the microwave, you have to clean it up immediately. Waiting will only make the problem worse because the food will have dried up.
  • Take good care of any office plants. Remove dry and shedding leaves, water consistently, and watch for signs of decay. If you can’t keep the plant looking beautiful and healthy, either purchase an artificial plant (and be sure to dust it often) or don’t have any plants in the office whatsoever.
  • Remember to clean behind your furniture as well. That strip of dust and dirt behind your desk betrays an otherwise clean and tidy office.
  • Imagine you are a client entering the office. Walk around the office following the same path a client might take, stopping often to study your surroundings. Make note of any untidiness and remove it using the office cleaning tips

Be sure that your employees are aware of their duties when it comes to cleaning the office. You might consider assigning people specific days to do more major tasks (vacuuming the office, cleaning windows) and also instruct everyone to take care of their own desk space using these office cleaning tips.

If a teamwork system doesn’t work, hire professionals. Not only will they complete the job on time and thoroughly, but then you won’t have to worry about getting on your coworkers’ backs when cleaning duties are delayed or neglected. If you’re looking for Cleaning services in Edmonton and surrounding areas, give Fussy Cleaning a call at 780-756-3877. We offer a variety of different services and will work with you to prepare a cleaning program that meets your needs and your budget.

Beyond Kitchen Design: Useful Tips and Tricks for a More Productive Kitchen

Very few people enjoy cleaning their kitchens, but no one can deny the benefits. Wiping away Fussy Cleaning, sweeping up crumbs, and sanitizing surfaces will obliterate germs, prevent the spread of bacteria, and ensure that your kitchen doesn’t attract pests. Plus, it doesn’t take long to do! So turn on your favorite music, grab your cleaning supplies, and check out our top kitchen cleaning tips and tricks.

kitchen cleaning tips

Find a schedule that works for you.

When you’re busy with work, family, friends, and hobbies, it can be difficult to find time to clean, so try out different schedules and find a time that works for you. Perhaps you should clean your kitchen for 20 minutes each night before bed, for an hour on Saturday mornings, or in 5 minute bursts between other activities. No matter which schedule you prefer, create a plan and stick to it.

Do basic cleaning immediately.

As you create small messes, clean them up. This includes dirty dishes, crumbs on the floor, spills on the countertop, and other simple cleaning tasks. These tasks only take 1-5 minutes to complete, and if you do them right away, they won’t pile up into more significant (and dread-inducing) chores.

Steam clean your microwave

If your microwave is perennially covered in bits of food and splatters of sauce, use this easy trick. Simply place a handful of wet towels inside and microwave them on high for three to five minutes. The steam will loosen the grime so that you can easily wipe it away.

 Scrub the sink daily

Don’t forget to clean your sink regularly, especially if you often use it to wash dishes. The best way to achieve this is to wipe down the sink daily, after every use, and sanitize it. Small tasks like this will prevent long and intimidating cleaning sessions.


Disinfect and clean your garbage disposal. 

In addition to simply using your garbage disposal correctly (keep the water running, use cold water, don’t put down egg shells or onion skins, etc.), remember to clean and disinfect it regularly. Grinding ice is a great way to remove debris, and citrus peels will keep the disposal smelling fresh.

Go from top to bottom

When you’re cleaning the entire kitchen, always work from the top to the bottom. For example, start by dusting the cabinets, cleaning the microwave, and disinfecting the countertops. Then, move on to sweeping and mopping. This way, any crumbs or debris that fall will eventually be cleaned up.

Throw out your sponge. 

Sponges are a breeding ground for bacteria. In fact, experts have found that sponges and dishrags are often the most germ-laden objects in the entire home (source). Instead of a sponge, we recommend using a brush. It’s more hygienic than a sponge or dishcloth, and it can easily be cleaned in the dishwasher. If you do decide to stick with sponges, be sure to disinfect them (wet them and then microwave for 2-3 minutes) and replace them regularly.

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Finally, if you would rather leave your kitchen cleaning chores to the pros, contact Fussy Cleaning Services. We’re a reputable, reliable, and efficient cleaning company based in Edmonton, Alberta. We do everything from commercial cleaning and floor care to window cleaning and construction cleanup. If you’re interested in learning more about our Cleaning services and rates, give us a call at 780-756-3877 or click here to receive a free quote.

How to Decrease Dust in Your Home


This is an obvious one, but what may not be so obvious is the most efficient way to clean: you need to use the right cleaning tools and clean at the right times in order to minimize dust. For instance . . .

  • A microfiber duster is like a dust magnet. It will pick up the dust, rather than just move it around. Plus, many are machine-washable and reusable.
  • Vacuums aren’t all the same. Make sure yours is right for your flooring, and if you’re in the market for a new vacuum soon, choose one with a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter. These vacuums pick up the especially tiny particles.
  • Since human skin contributes majorly to its make-up, bed sheets are a prime place for dust to collect (we know—gross). Change your sheets weekly to decrease dust buildup. If you’re really bothered by dust in bed, consider getting an allergen-reducing cover.

cleaning service


Essentially, the more items you have, the more places dust has to crawl into. If you’re filling your space with books, tools, or knick knacks you don’t use often or even like, you may want to put them in the donate pile to decrease dust. If you can’t get rid of items, consider storing/displaying them in containers. Then, dust won’t settle in any hard-to-reach spots.

The same goes for closets—and clothing is a big culprit of dust production. Organizing your closets by getting rid of what you don’t want, as well as cycling out your clothes seasonally, will reduce dust producers in your bedrooms.


The filter in your heat and air conditioning system plays an important role in how large or small your dust problem is. Just like with cleaning your house, there are best practices for your air filter. A pleated air filter is what will trap the most dust, and—depending on your system’s blower capacity—you will need to make sure you have a filter that can handle what your system is throwing (or rather, blowing) at it. You’ll also want to change out your filter at least once per month. This way, you’ll stop dust before it reaches your rooms!


If you’re cleaning regularly and still overwhelmed, check your caulking and ductwork to make sure they’re not letting outside dust inside your home.

Use these tips as reference the next time you’re ready to tackle your dust problem. Or if you’re still trying to figure out how to decrease dust in your home, call in the pros! If you live in or near Springfield, Missouri, give the cleaning professionals at Fussy Cleaning a call. We offer a variety of cleaning services, including carpet and upholstery cleaning. You can reach us at 780-756-3877 or click here for a free quote.

Commercial Floor Treatments

Quality work requires a quality workplace—your company’s space needs to function to the best of its ability. A large part of that is keeping yourself and your employees safe from accidents at work. In many industrial or other commercial work spaces, spills on the floor may cause a worker to slip, resulting in one of these accidents—but there are ways you can prevent this! To get you thinking, we’ll give you an overview of some of the commercial floor treatments that can prevent slipping in your workplace.

You’ll want to look into a nonslip treatment for your work space if you have one of these types of flooring:

  • Concrete
  • Laminate
  • Tile (porcelain, ceramic, or vinyl/VCT)
  • Epoxy
  • Wood

Nonslip commercial floor treatments can significantly reduce workplace accidents on even the slickest of floors. They are designed to add more friction to your flooring, making slips less likely when spills occur. Some of the treatments on the market include.

Acid etching treatments. In this treatment, a hazardous agent (e.g., a hydrofluoric solution) is applied to your flooring. The harsh material will react with your floor’s surface and actually alter its microstructure, forming grooves and valleys on the surface. This increases the floor’s friction and makes it rougher. Acid etching treatments work best for companies with ceramic or porcelain tile floors. Some treatments will work on concrete flooring.

High-traction finishes. With a high-traction finish, material containing small, abrasive grits is applied to your floor, increasing the friction. There are two popular options here: one is a coating, applied to your floor when it’s wet and taking on its nonslip properties when it dries. The other is an abrasive tape that is stretched out and stuck to your flooring. This treatment option is best for businesses with vinyl/VCT tile, epoxy, concrete, and wood flooring. There are different treatments on the market for these different floor types, so read up on which is best for your flooring before you choose one.

 Textured floor coverings. This one is fairly simple: nonslip mats laid over your flooring. The good thing about this option is that you can choose a mat in nearly any size. However, the mats are more burdensome to clean, and aren’t always as effective as the other two. Textured floor coverings will best suit laminate, wood, concrete, and vinyl flooring.

commercial cleaning service

After you’ve had your floor treatment applied, make sure you continue regular maintenance and cleaning procedures. That way, the treatment retains its nonslip properties. Remember that no two commercial settings will have the same concerns when it comes to risk for accidents—spend time evaluating your own business’s risk before choosing a nonslip treatment for your flooring.

Need your company’s floors treated? If you live in or near Edmonton, Alberta give the cleaning professionals at Fussy Cleaning a call. We offer a variety of cleaning services, including carpet and upholstery cleaning. Keep in mind that our commercial cleaning services run the gamut—daily, weekly, or monthly cleaning services, quality control inspections, and more! We’ll clean it all. You can reach us at 780-756-3877 or click here for a free quote. We look forward to hearing from you!

Benefits of Cleaning with Microfiber

Do you clean with microfiber? If so, you might rave about how much easier it is than older methods. If you don’t, you might wonder what all the hype is about. Microfiber has been cited as one of the most pivotal innovations in how we clean, but why? We’re here to help explain the many benefits of cleaning with microfiber. You might be surprised to find out how your cleaning routine can change when you switch to this method!


Microfiber is exactly what it sounds like: extremely tiny fibers in a cloth (and we mean tiny—sometimes as small as 1/16th the width of a strand of hair). Simply dampen your cloth with water and you’re ready to clean just about anything. These small but mighty fibers can do a lot for you!

Microfiber picks up more dirt

More strands means more surface area, and more surface area means more friction. This kind of friction really picks up dirt and dust—each tiny strand is like a hook. Particles will stick to the cloth, rather than the cloth moving or smearing the dirt around. That said .

Cleaning with microfiber is quicker

Picking up more dirt means less time cleaning for you. It usually just takes one or two wipes over a surface for most tasks!

 Just add water—it frees you from using chemicals.

Microfiber cleans and kills bacteria effectively using just water. You read that right: no more store-bought cleaning products. So whether you’re trying to save money, are allergic to certain cleaning chemicals, or are just wanting a more natural cleaning routine, microfiber will work great for you. While you won’t need any special products, microfiber doesn’t sacrifice any disinfecting properties. Even hospitals prefer microfiber for cleaning!

Microfiber cloths are reusable

No more throwaway wipes! You can just soak your cloth in warm water or run it through a gentle cycle in your washing machine, then air dry, and it will be good as new. Plus, microfiber dries much more quickly than regular cleaning cloths.

These cloths are versatile

You can use a microfiber cloth on almost any surface—glass, wood, granite, marble, leather, porcelain, and many more. Some cloth manufacturers like Norwex or ERC Wipes create different cloths for different surfaces, distinguishing between them using a color code. Because the material is nonabrasive, there’s no risk of scraping or nicking what you’re cleaning. Many people will even use their microfiber cloth to clean their eyeglasses.


So, if you weren’t using it before, did reading about the many benefits of cleaning with microfiber convince you? Chemical-free, quick, and effective, these cloths could really improve your cleaning routine.

If you’re looking for a reliable and reputable cleaning service in Edmonton, Alberta, call the professionals at Fussy Cleaning. We do everything from floor care to window cleaning to construction cleanup. No project is too large or too small! If you’re interested in learning more, give us a call at 780-756-3877 or click here to receive a free quote. We look forward to hearing from you!

The Importance of a Clean Office

Nobody wants to work in filth, and a workplace in a constant state of disarray is not conducive to productivity. In order to maintain a professional and relaxed work environment, things must be kept tidy. The importance of a clean office simply cannot be stressed enough. In fact, order in the workplace is better for employees, clients, and, therefore, business on the whole.

cleaning service

Disorganization is poisonous in the workplace. It is foolish to expect employees to hold themselves to a high standard if the office in which they work is not. If the office is to be respected as a place of business, it must be treated like one in every facet. This includes, and perhaps most significantly applies to, office cleanliness. Tidiness improves the quality of work, and if the importance of a clean office is held in high regard, the response will be evident in multiple ways:

 Morale and Productivity

People are greatly impacted by their environments, and the workplace is no exception. If a workplace is not kept clean, employees will likely fail to respect it, and this will almost certainly affect the quality of their work. Clutter creates a sense of chaos, which adds stress to what is already a stressful environment for many. Furthermore, if an employee is given the impression that standards are low in regard to cleanliness, they will lower their own standards for their work; if their surroundings are subpar, their work and attitude will follow suit. This is a phenomenon that has been studied by many, perhaps in greatest depth in the field of criminology, where it is known as Broken Windows Theory.

Impression on the Client or Customer

Any time a client or customer sets foot in an office, they are making judgments and assertions. Whether they are conscious of it or not, they gather an impression based on what they see, and that will carry over to their impression of the people and work they observe. And as we all know, a bad first impression can be difficult to overcome. Typically a client’s first impression of a business comes from the office space. How can your clients expect professionalism from you if you don’t uphold a high standard in your own office? Quite simply: they can’t.


Beyond psychology and professionalism lies another great reason to keep an office clean: health. Offices are full of high-touch surfaces. All day, the entire staff uses the same doors, sinks, keyboards, and coffeepots. This is a playground for germs. And the dirtier and more disorganized the space is, the more of a health hazard it is for your staff. In order for employees to present their best work, they must be at their best in every way. Health cannot be ignored. Especially when employees work in close proximity to others, an office needs to take every precaution necessary to protect its employees.

The importance of a clean office cannot be overestimated. It could have negative effects on the quality of work, the impressions of clients, and the health of employees. Luckily, we’re here to help. Office cleaning is one of the many services we provide here at Fussy Cleaning. Please click here to learn more about our services – no job is too big or too small for us. Contact us online today!

Why Window Cleaning Is Important

It’s easy to take clean windows for granted. When you walk into an office building, a shop, a hotel, or a museum, for example, I doubt that your first thought is to remark on the cleanliness of the windows. However, that doesn’t mean that business owners should feel free to neglect their building’s windows when they become coated in dirt, dust, and grime. Before giving in to the temptation of neglect, remember why window cleaning is important.

Clean windows make a good impression. What do you think your clients and customers would think of your company if your windows were filthy, grubby, and grimy? Clean windows present a positive image and convey that your company is organized, professional, and hard-working. They show that you care about your business, your building, and your employees. Although most people won’t pay particular attention to clean windows, they will approve of the sense of cleanliness. Dirty windows, on the other hand, may incite feelings of distaste, distrust, or even disgust.

window cleaning

Clean windows improve the working environment for employees. Working in a bright, well-lit space will encourage your employees to be more active and organized. Working in a positive atmosphere with natural light can improve the morale of employees and motivate them to perform better. Clean windows also provide a better view of the outdoors, which can improve employees’ moods, especially on bright and beautiful days.

Glass can be ruined without regular cleaning. Because glass is porous, it accumulates dirt over time that can cause fragility, spottiness, opacity, and the growth of microorganisms. Implement a regular cleaning regimen to get rid of hard minerals, oxidation, acid rain, sea spray, and/or overspray (depending on your location). You should have your windows cleaned at least two times a year to prevent degradation and maintain the glass’s luster.

Regularly cleaning your windows can save you money. If you let dirt and grime build up on your windows, they will be very difficult to clean when the time comes, requiring more work and more money. In addition, because glass can be damaged if neglected, you may need to restore or replace your windows sooner than you had anticipated if they are not maintained.

The cleanliness of windows affects a space’s heat efficiency. Dirty windows, covered in particles of dirt, reflect more UV light and prevent the sun from warming up the space on cold days.

Clean windows are beautiful. Finally, you can’t forget the aesthetics of clean windows. Free of dirt, dust, grime, smudges, and even bird droppings and spider webs, your windows will sparkle and shine in the sunlight. They will also let in natural light, which will illuminate your building and improve the appearance of the interior space and decor.

Would you rather leave window cleaning to the pros? Contact Fussy Cleaning. We’re a reputable, reliable, and efficient cleaning company based in Edmonton, Alberta. We do everything from commercial cleaning and floor care to window cleaning and construction cleanup. If you’re interested in learning more about our services and rates, give us a call at 780-756-3877 or click here to receive a free quote.